Concerns about skin is a part of all of us.
MT Metatron desire to provide products that create reliability when using.
We are committed to product design, pursuing results, based on a unique theory about our skin.

We work through dozens of prototypes in the lab, day in and day out, to create the products getting the favored of the expert aesthetic medicine and people who are sensitive to beauty.
By going head to head in aesthetic medicine and targeted carefully to the specific concerns of the skin, we pursue the spirit of “formula has a purpose.”

We create products that solve the concern of everyone on the skin, so we can lift the skin up highest potential and help the women are always beautiful, radiant.
It is the desire of us.

Why should you choose products MT Metatron?

1.Trademarks are the experts to trust

Products MT Metatron is the expert beauty care, used in more than 5000 beauty salon and aesthetic clinic in Japan (as of 2018). The products MT Metatron are also spread across the world, attracting attention in the countries where the method beauty care and cosmetics popular as China, Russia, the EU and the ASEAN countries.

2.Path MT Metatron

We manufacture all skin care products have high functionality through dermatology and advanced beauty techniques top.

3. Design the perfect product and strong brand

To make customers satisfied, we constantly study the composition and find out the combination as well as the concentration of the best for its products. Our commitment is to create the highest quality and build trust brand.